 AGREEMENT that modifies the diverse one that determines the rules for the application of the Decree to support the competitiveness of the terminal automotive industry and to promote the development of the domestic automobile market. (2)

AGREEMENT that modifies the diverse one that determines the rules for the application of the Decree to support the competitiveness of the terminal automotive industry and to promote the development of the domestic automobile market. (2)

On January 6, 2017, the Ministry of Economy published, in the Official Gazette of the Federation, an AGREEMENT that modifies the diverse one that determines the rules for the application of the Decree for the support of the competitiveness of the terminal automotive industry and the promotion to the development of the domestic automobile market.

On December 31, 2003, the Decree to support the competitiveness of the terminal automotive industry and to promote the development of the domestic automobile market was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation in order to establish benefits for the support of the competitiveness of the terminal industry producing new light motor vehicles, established in Mexico, as well as the requirements to obtain said benefits.

On June 30, 2004, the Agreement that determines the Rules for the application of the Decree to support the competitiveness of the terminal automotive industry and promote the development of the domestic automobile market was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation.

Among the procedures that this Agreement regulates are applications for authorization and renewal of registration as companies producing new light motor vehicles in Mexico provided for in the Decree mentioned in the first recital.

The 2013-2018 Program for a Close and Modern Government, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on August 30, 2013, aims to optimize the use of public resources, the use of new information and communication technologies , and promoting transparency and accountability.

The implementation of a System to carry out procedures related to registration and renewal as companies producing new light motor vehicles in Mexico will contribute to the fulfillment of digitizing the procedures and services of the National Catalog of State Procedures and Services (CNTSE), with based on the objective of establishing a national digital strategy that accelerates the insertion of Mexico in the Information and Knowledge Society, foreseen in the National Development Plan 2013-2018

The modifications to this agreement are as follows:

*To request registration, companies must submit to the Directorate, application for registration authorization, by free writing or electronically, containing the information data and attaching the documentation indicated; the Secretariat will have a maximum term to authorize the registration or its renewal, of fifteen business days, counted from the business day following the date of submission of the application. If at the end of the response period, the Secretariat has not made the resolution available to the applicant, it will be understood that the application was approved. When the request is not presented in accordance with the provisions, the Secretariat will have a period of seven working days to warn the interested parties.

* For the purposes of System users:


1. To carry out procedures through the System, the legal entity or its legal representative must authenticate through it through the use of its Advanced Electronic Signature

2. Legal entities must accept the Terms and Conditions for the use of the System, which will imply that the procedures will be carried out in their entirety through this means and that notifications will be carried out through data messages.

3. In the event that due to technical failures in the System, legal entities are unable to consult the status of their procedure or open the electronic documents that contain the information deposited in the System, they must make it known to said Directorate at the latest within within the three business days following the one in which said impediment occurs, through the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;

4. In the issuance of administrative acts and their notification, related to the registration and renewal thereof, the System will be used, using the Advanced Electronic Signature that corresponds to public servants, applying the provisions that regulate the same. 


Some companies must request registration or renewal, without the need to submit documentation, the Secretariat will have a maximum period of thirty business days to authorize the registration or its renewal, if at the end of the response period the Secretariat has not put the resolution available to the applicant, it will be understood that the registration was denied. When the request is not submitted in accordance with the provisions and all the required documentation has not been attached, the Secretariat will have a period of ten business days to notify the interested parties, in writing or, where appropriate, through the System, so that they correct the omission.

To request registration, companies must submit to the Directorate, application for registration authorization, by free writing, containing the information data and attaching the documentation. Optionally, companies may request registration, through the System, in which they must register by filling in the fields with the required information, and attach the digitized files of the indicated documentation, upon acceptance of the Terms and Conditions. for the use of the System.

When the request is not submitted in accordance with the provisions and all the required documents have not been attached, the Secretariat will have a period of ten business days to notify the interested parties in writing or, where appropriate, through the System, in order to correct the omission.

To request the renewal of the authorized registration, companies must submit to the Directorate, a free letter containing the information data, attaching a report from the external auditor designated by the company for accounting and / or tax purposes, which accredits the production of motor vehicles light in the immediately preceding year, breaking down the makes, types and models of the vehicles manufactured and the documentation indicated. Optionally, the companies may carry out the procedure referred to in this Rule through the System by attaching the digitized files of the aforementioned report and the documentation indicated in the aforementioned sections.


Source: http://dof.gob.mx/nota_detalle.php?codigo=5468705&fecha=06/01/2017

MDI Trade Solutions

MDI Trade Solutions provides a set of Customs Brokerage services in Toluca, Mexico and the world, consulting in foreign trade and customs with a high quality work product, that adds value to your national and international commercial activities through a body of unmatched knowledge and experience to promote client profitability, risk mitigation and compliance.