Anti-dumping fees against stainless steel pipe from South Korea and Taiwan.

Anti-dumping fees against stainless steel pipe from South Korea and Taiwan.

On November 1, 2016, the US International Trade Commission (USITC) published, in the Federal Register, the start of the fourth five-year review of the anti-dumping quota against imports of pipeline. stainless steel sourced from South Korea and Taiwan.

The fourth five-year review of the anti-dumping quota against imports of lockwashers from South Korea and Taiwan begins.

The product subject to quotas corresponds to stainless steel pipe classified in sections 7306.40.50.05, 7306.40.50.15, 7306.40.50.40, 7306.40.50.62, 7306.40.50.64, 7306.40.50.85 of the US rate.

By virtue of this resolution, the US authorities will review whether the imports of these products have continued to be imported under conditions of dumping, that is, below their normal value. If this is the case, the lock washers of China and Taiwan could continue to be subject to the payment of anti-dumping fees upon entering the United States for a further five years.

In 2015, the US imported $ 180 million worth of this type of pipe. South Korea and Taiwan ranked first and fourth, respectively, with a combined 43% share. Mexico, for its part, ranked 16th with shipments for 244 thousand dollars




Source: https://www.usitc.gov/